Friday, December 5, 2014

Dead Week and a Surprise

It's basically over. Dead week is basically over.... Thank you LORD..

I know why they call it "dead week", and I can gladly say that I survived dead week. This week was rough. Probably one of the longest weeks that I have had to go through yet. Staying up 'til 1 am then having early classes is brutal. I have taken so many naps this week. A lot of naps. I have had three finals this week. I have a concert tonight and then two more tomorrow. I am actually grateful that I am so busy and that I have the opportunity to be in the band and to be attending school. I just wish it didn't make me feel like a mummy.

As a Freshman, I was put into a group (Core Group) that put all the Freshman together who had the same major; i.e. Music.  I have grown close to these people even though I don't get a long with all of them most of the time. These people have become family, and they have done something amazing for me. They remembered. They remembered that holidays (especially Christmas) are hard for me. When I walked into my room I saw a present on my bed. The note on top of the gift read:
 "You voiced that you haven't been able to enjoy Christmas. We hope that you enjoy Christmas this year. We love you. -Your Core Group Family"

The box was filled with cute things, but most importantly a journal. I keep several journals, each journal has a different use. Some are rants and some are prayer journals. This journal is going to be for my husband. Call me crazy, but this is what I want to do with the amazing gift they have given me. Sometimes we all need to be reminded that we are loved.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Embarrassing moments

I guess it is just one of those days. You know what I'm talking about; the days when your car breaks down and you are late for an interview, or your nylons have a run in them and you didn't notice when you got dressed, or you slip down the stairs, or you just feel like the whole world is against you because you are pms-ing. Yeah, it's been one of those days.

First day back since Thanksgiving break and man, what a day. Once I get my stuff unloaded from my truck I have to head down into a group project meeting. I don't know what it is about group projects and I, but we don't really vibe well. It's not the material, it's certain people that God has placed into my life. (Still trying to figure out why he puts someone in my life when we obviously DON'T see eye to eye)
Two hours later, I am stepping out of the grill line and run into this guy! I didn't realize he came up behind me and I stepped on his foot. Now it wasn't just a light tap on his foot, he completely caught me off guard and I fell into him; which meant my full body weight on some poor, cute guy's foot. Not only did I step on him, fall into him, and almost lose my food, I also spilled his drink everywhere. I wanted to die. I try my best to blend into the scene and be a total wallflower... Wallflowers don't run into guys and crush their feet.
Fast forward a few hours later.. Just finished with the shower, after a quick round at the gym, and I'm stepping out to go to my room and there is a guy in the hallway! I'm in my towel, we make eye contact and I haul tail back into the bathroom! Obviously this guy was a RA and there was a female RA with him, but I mean, they didn't even announce that there was a man on the floor. Now, I wasn't embarrassed that a guy saw me in a towel, it's long enough to be a short dress, but I was so shocked and mortified because he was handsome. 

It hasn't been a bad day, just a very interesting one that has surprised me. I don't write because I wan't to complain to you (okay maybe a little), but maybe you can find humor in the things I post, or find some things relatable with what's going on in your life. Maybe no one is reading this, but maybe YOU are reading this.I hope that if you are having one of those days, you can sit back and laugh about the embarrassing/weird things that have happened.

Stay classy, Oregon.